Stancy Acrylic Angel - Bitty

Stancy Acrylic Angel - Bitty

Regular price $25.00

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"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!'" Lauren's 2023 angel collection, the GLORY COLLECTION, is inspired by Luke 2:13-14 and the beautiful thought that our purpose in this life, when choosing to follow Christ, is to bring Glory to God until we meet him face to face and can join the multitudes singing His praises forever. These angels were designed to represent the special women in Lauren's life, each with special gifts and personalities, whose hearts' desire was/is to bring Glory to God. Our Glory Collection is a meaningful way to celebrate the special angels in life whose light shines bright! bitty approximately 4.5" tall, made of .5" thick acrylic